
Janneke Jehee

Donders Institute, Radboud University / Principal investigator / Coordinator

Neural and computational basis of sensory uncertainty and decision confidence, fMRI, MEG, computational modeling, psychophysics.


Uta Noppeney

Donders Institute, Radboud University / Principal investigator

Computational and neural mechanisms of decision confidence, metacognition and information seeking, psychophysics, computational modeling, MEG, fMRI.


Pascal Mamassian

École Normale Supérieure / Principal investigator

Sensory and confidence uncertainty, probabilistic models of confidence, visual psychophysics.


Kobe Desender

KU Leuven / Principal investigator

Computational modeling of decision confidence; drift diffusion model, reinforcement learning, EEG.


Steve Fleming

University College London / Principal investigator

Neural and computational basis of metacognition, confidence and information seeking, MEG, fMRI, computational modeling, psychophysics, individual differences.


David Soto

Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language / Principal investigator

Developmental studies of decision confidence, psychophysics, machine learning, computational modeling.


Ruth van Holst

Amsterdam University Medical Center / Principal investigator

Decision confidence in impulsive and compulsive disorders, cognitive (online) tests, computational modeling.


Elisa Filevich

Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen / Principal investigator

Malleability of confidence and metacognition, psychophysics, EEG, movement analysis, computational modeling, machine learning.


Andrea Desantis

ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab / Principal investigator

Perceptual confidence, psychophysics, EEG, machine learning.


Jasper Uijttenboogaart

Radboud University / Project Manager CODE

Project management support to the MSCA Doctoral Network ‘CODE’.

Partners - beneficiaries

Partners - associated